Thursday, December 17, 2009

Walk the Walk and all that Jazz...

We've all been there, we don't feel like taking anyone's advice about money because...well...we're grown. We work hard, we deal with folks we cannot stand all day every day and most importantly we know how and where I money should be spent. But then, we come to those months where we end up broke. I'm talking about negative balance on our debit cards. You know the kind of broke that we get scared to use our check card because we know there's a possibility we'll be rejected. (In front of the entire Target store! Yeah, I've been there). Does this makes us less grown? No! Does it mean we're dumb? No! It just means we need better financial management skills.

If you're anything like me, you've picked up numerous books on personal management only to find that the "John Smith" they use as an example is pratically rich compare to me. Now, if you're blessed enough to have CDs, IRA, 401 K and stock shares well.....good for you. Now if you're in the middle of protesting the government because you cannot understand why are student loans are so expensive (I mean really, they should be thanking us for not forming part of the ever growing welfare community), or if you have credit card bills that you're still paying for since college (ahhh free money..NOT) or even if you want to plan to just have something to show for your 40 plus hours per week, then you're in the right place.

This blog is meant to be a safe haven for those who want to be financially savvy without feeling like you need a thesaurus just to understand it's content. My goal, as well as the goal of all the contributors is to explain things in a simple way. But most importantly to give you information that does apply to you and not the person who already have most of their finances together. We will provide simple formulas, links and resources to make this thing of not being broke a breeze.

If you have your own personal questions you can always email me at

Have Fun and Be Blessed!

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